A well organized sitemap for easy access to your desired services or pages
Case 111070 - QA Downstream Notes
This case introduces the "Dialog" custom event category for Matomo analytics tracking. The tracked actions for this event category are Opened, Closed, and Success, and apply to modal windows.
Platform testing covers modals that are accessible from the Platform baseline application. Downstream application QAers should discuss additional testing needs with their engineers.
Case 111616 - QA Downstream Notes
This case lays the ground work for custom Matomo Events tracking. It adds event categories for Dialogs, Errors, Reporting, and Searching, and it implements event tracking for 4 search category actions (sorting columns, adding columns, removing columns, and resetting columns) in React-based tables.
Platform QA will cover testing to ensure tracking occurs for the 4 mentioned actions on the react tables we own: Organizations on the Organizations landing page; and Contacts on the Contacts landing page, Organizations console Summary tab, and Organizations console Contacts tab. Downstream app QAers should talk to your engineers to see if you have any additional React-based tables to check.
Case 110929 - QA Downstream Notes
This case provides 2 application.conf keys for enabling Matomo analytics tracking. Tracking is disabled by default.
When tracking is enabled in application.conf, Matomo tracking code is added to Platform pages.
This case also defines under what circumstances Matomo will track a new page view.
Downstream app QAers should meet with your engineers to determine if, when, and how Matomo will be implemented for your product, and what needs to be tested.
This case is one piece of a larger project to configure and implement Matomo analytics. While it can be tested independently, it may be more efficient to test it together with other Matomo cases.