MHA FPX5017 Assessment 1 Descriptive Statistics and Data Visualizations
Assessment 1: Descriptive Statistics and Data Visualizations
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MHA-FPX5017: Data Anly Hlth Care Decisions
Capella University
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Descriptive Statistics and Data Visualizations
The management of a care home is evaluating data gathered over a 70-month time frame to decide whether a transition in leadership is needed. They intend to ascertain this through an examination of their own primary targets, which include hospital utilization scores, client satisfaction ratings, and readmission levels. This assessment would then interpret the statistical findings of the information gathering. The findings will be visually displayed through datasets as well as histograms for each of the respective standards. Using these details, the organization group could indeed make an educated choice about keeping the current manager.
Data and Statistics
3 descriptive statistics columns for utilization, satisfaction, as well as readmission frequency over the previous 70 months had been designed to allow care home management to accurately determine efficiency. The main objective of this analysis is to get the maximum information out of obtained raw data and utilize it to increase the effectiveness of information. Histograms were also formulated to visualize the whole data so that a better picture can be obtained for the performance of management. In a histogram, frequency and data intervals are on y and x axis respectively. Each histogram is giving insight on each of the three benchmarks i.e., utilization, readmissions and satisfaction rates.

Descriptive Statistical Analysis and Histogram of Utilization Rates
Care homes throughout the US have shifted from being mainly long-term entities to serving a large number of brief occupants for patients (Applebaum et al., 2020). The current goal is to reduce utilization frequency, that also would then boost funding levels. The main objective is to reduce utilization rate and increase the rate of financial reimbursement. According to the data analysis, average LOS per month over the last 70 months is 69.8219826 or approximate 70 days. The average LOS in US is 5-6 months (150-180 days) (Statista Research Department, 2022).
Minimum LOS in the care home was 22 days approximately while highest LOS was 118 days approximate. The range of LOS is 96.04 days which is showing a huge variation for LOS per patient. The reduction in LOS has significant ramifications for care home practice as well as performance control (Applebaum et al., 2020). Histogram is showing a positive skew, supports the implication of rising utilization rates. While pledging, management must anticipate utilization to decline as joblessness and teleworking have significantly increased in many regions.
Utilization |
Mean |
69.8 |
Standard Error |
2.6 |
Median |
67.8 |
Mode |
#N/A |
Standard Deviation |
21.6 |
Sample Variance |
468.3 |
Kurtosis |
-0.4 |
Skewness |
0.2 |
Range |
96.0 |
Minimum |
21.4 |
Maximum |
117.4 |
Sum |
4887.5 |
Count |
70.0 |
Bin | Frequency | Cumulative % | Bin | Frequency | Cumulative % |
21.39799 | 1 | 1.43% | 69.42238 | 17 | 24.29% |
33.40409 | 0 | 1.43% | 81.42848 | 14 | 44.29% |
45.41019 | 10 | 15.71% | 45.41019 | 10 | 58.57% |
57.41629 | 9 | 28.57% | 57.41629 | 9 | 71.43% |
69.42238 | 17 | 52.86% | 105.4407 | 8 | 82.86% |
81.42848 | 14 | 72.86% | 93.43458 | 6 | 91.43% |
93.43458 | 6 | 81.43% | More | 5 | 98.57% |
105.4407 | 8 | 92.86% | 21.39799 | 1 | 100.00% |
More | 5 | 100.00% | 33.40409 | 0 | 100.00% |
Descriptive Statistical Analysis and Histogram of Utilization Rates
Care home regime’s choice to evaluate patients’ satisfaction rates is crucial to ensuring the greatest reimbursement percentages, since CMS is contemplating connecting reimbursement percentages to levels of patient satisfaction (Plaku-Alakbarova et al., 2020). A review of the results of descriptive analysis of shows that average satisfaction rate per month over the last 70 months is 49.3 or approximate 49 which is considerably low but some other factors need to be reviewed as well. Lowest score over the 70 months is 3 while highest is 100.

While evaluating patients’ satisfaction, yet another thing to consider is whether the lower numbers are limited to a small specimen of responses were obtained. Also, there is no evidence of who given the input or how long the participants stayed. This same outcome of satisfaction surveys may vary owing to family members’ experiences with the treatment they obtained vs a customer viewpoint of one ‘s perception with treatment. The histogram shows that patient satisfaction results in the 100th percent range are noted more commonly than just about any other benchmark. The histogram backs up the findings that level of satisfaction is rising.
Satisfaction Rates | |
Mean | 49.4 |
Standard Error | 3.7 |
Median | 51.5 |
Mode | 96.0 |
Standard Deviation | 30.9 |
Sample Variance | 955.6 |
Kurtosis | -1.4 |
Skewness | 0.1 |
Range | 97.0 |
Minimum | 3.0 |
Maximum | 100.0 |
Sum | 3455.0 |
Count | 70.0 |
Confidence Level (95.0%) | 7.4 |
Bin | Frequency | Cumulative % | Bin | Frequency | Cumulative % |
3 | 1 | 1.43% | 15.125 | 12 | 17.14% |
15.125 | 12 | 18.57% | More | 12 | 34.29% |
27.25 | 10 | 32.86% | 63.625 | 11 | 50.00% |
39.375 | 9 | 45.71% | 27.25 | 10 | 64.29% |
51.5 | 3 | 50.00% | 39.375 | 9 | 77.14% |
63.625 | 11 | 65.71% | 87.875 | 7 | 87.14% |
75.75 | 5 | 72.86% | 75.75 | 5 | 94.29% |
87.875 | 7 | 82.86% | 51.5 | 3 | 98.57% |
More | 12 | 100.00% | 3 | 1 | 100.00% |
Descriptive Statistical Analysis and Histogram of Utilization Rates
Lowering potentially avoidable readmissions is crucial since these hospital admissions have been linked to adverse outcomes, increased morbidity and mortality, and, most notably, negative impacts on standard of living (Mende et al., 2018). The review of statistical analysis for readmissions rate reveals that the average readmission rates are 0.10 while the lowest and highest readmissions per month over the 70-month long data are 0 and 0.2 per month approximately. The range of readmissions rate is 0.2 which shows that the variations over the months is very low. If we see the histogram, we can see that the readmissions rate frequency is decreasing over the months which is a good indicator of treatment quality
Bin | Frequency | Cumulative % | Bin | Frequency | Cumulative % |
0.007154 | 1 | 1.43% | 0.107238 | 14 | 20.00% |
0.032175 | 5 | 8.57% | 0.132259 | 14 | 40.00% |
0.057196 | 6 | 17.14% | 0.082217 | 11 | 55.71% |
0.082217 | 11 | 32.86% | 0.1823 | 9 | 68.57% |
0.107238 | 14 | 52.86% | 0.157279 | 7 | 78.57% |
0.132259 | 14 | 72.86% | 0.057196 | 6 | 87.14% |
0.157279 | 7 | 82.86% | 0.032175 | 5 | 94.29% |
0.1823 | 9 | 95.71% | More | 3 | 98.57% |
More | 3 | 100.00% | 0.007154 | 1 | 100.00% |
Readmission Rates | |
Mean | 0.1 |
Standard Error | 0.0 |
Median | 0.1 |
Mode | #N/A |
Standard Deviation | 0.0 |
Sample Variance | 0.0 |
Kurtosis | -0.6 |
Skewness | 0.0 |
Range | 0.2 |
Minimum | 0.0 |
Maximum | 0.2 |
Sum | 7.4 |
Count | 70.0 |
Confidence Level(95.0%) | 0.0 |
The assessment conducted a descriptive statistical analysis which shows that the care home LOS is increasing which is alarming whereas patient satisfaction elevation shows that the treatment quality is increasing. Overall readmission rates are decreasing as well. The data was over a 70-month time period and helped management regarding making decision for change in hospital management.
Applebaum, R., Mehdizadeh, S., & Berish, D. (2020). it is not your parents’ long-term services system: nursing homes in a changing world. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(8), 898–901.
Mende, M. L., Michaelidis, C. I., Chu, M. C., Sahota, J., Hauser, L., Fay, E., Smith, A., Huether, M. A., Daija, J., Zukofsky, M., Pu, C. T., & Britton, K. (2018). Implementation of a skilled nursing facility readmission review process. BMJ Open Quality, 7(3), e000245.
Plaku-Alakbarova, B., Punnett, L., Gore, R. J., & ProCare Research Team (2018). Nursing home employee and resident satisfaction and resident care outcomes. Safety and Health at Work, 9(4), 408–415.
Statista Research Department (2022). Nursing home average length of stay in United States in 2020, by ownership. average-length-of-stay-in-us-nursing-homes-by-ownership/