NURS FPX4900 Assessment 4 Assessing the Problem; Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

Assessment 4: Assessing the Problem; Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

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NURS-FPX4900: Capstone Project for Nursing
Capella University
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Assessing the Problem; Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

The role of nurses in helping patients manage the chronic disease is vital. This concept of self-management is often associated with providing education to patients for following the interventions and strategies to improve their wellbeing. Hypertension is an excellent issue in the United States, with about 47% of people suffering from mental health and hypertension issues per year (Fisher, 2018. The need for self-management is vital in hypertension management because nowadays, nurses and their administrators use many technological applications and robust software to provide online services to patients. The purpose of this task is to address the patient care issue related to hypertension and devise a strategic plan to help the patient’s self-care and self-management of his mental health problem.

Role of Leadership and Change Management Strategies

Nurses’ ability in leadership roles is to inspire and impact the lives of people and patients to work collaboratively. The nursing profession needs leaders desperately, which is still a new role in the world. Since hypertension condition is a psychological severe issue in many patients, therefore, a robust patient teaching plan to combat the symptoms and consequences of hypertension that relates to cardiovascular diseases and many other mood and physical problems is vital. The goal of the educational leadership is to engage patients with nurses and allow them to gain new insights to improve the self-manangemetn of hypertension.

Medical Case Study

The specific patient Mr. Hassan was suffering from chronic hypertension for the past four years and was at a risk of stroke and heart attack. Without the use of any smart app, nurses devised a plan to use telehealth solutions to treat the hypertention issues. Using these novel technologies is also advised by the American Heart Association for proper mearuement of blood pressure and heart rate (Wu & Song, 2018). Therefore, these details are vital to consider for nursig leaders in order to imrove the quality outomes in an increasingly complex healthcare environment. In order to cope with the increased demands of hypertention patients, nurse leaders used EHR and smartphone technologies to streamline workflows.

The American Nursing Association ANA also recommends that use of videoconferencing; using these innovations as interventions and tools across healthcare settings will help to improve their profession. The role of a nuring leader is to become a role model for others; this includes communicating effectively and honoring the principles of justice and leadership (Rippe, 2019). The qualities of a good nursing leader such as excellent communcaiton skills, creating healthy culture, and innovation is vital for achieving goals. Nursing leaders should also rely on conflict management and negotiation to improve the hypertension self-management. 

Moreover, nursing ethics also impact the outcomes of patients to solve the care-related issues such as hypertention. The most effective care paradigm for using telehealth for hypertension self-management is to use communication systems and observe patients’ autonomy. This means that informed consent and privacy and confidentiality are vital ethics that ensure patients’ rights to refuse medications or any other form of fearful psychotherapy intervention. Moreover, nurses should use telehealth apps to obtain medical information including observations and radiographic data and also should never share the data with any unautthorized third parties. These ethics and leadership strategies will impact the care coordination outcomes and will help nurses to find a better solution to patients’ problems (Rabi et al., 2020).

medical ethics woman

Proposed Intervention

I have proposed an intervention of teaching plan presentation for the selected patient. The teaching plan will be focused on patient portal and smart apps usage along with life style modification for HTN self-management. Posters and presentation will also be used for patient education regarding the use of patient portals.

Evidence-Based Practices for Communication and Collaboration

The hypertension issue requires nurses to interact well with pateints by using tools and technologies to promote the seamless information flow. For instance, the clinical communication & collaboration (CC&C) technologies can be utilized by psychotherapist and nurses to support the communication with hypertension patients and monitor their activities remotely. Many hospitals in the United States have started using CC&C technologies which help profesisonals to exchange patient information and also get periodic notifications and warnings. Moreover, the compliance with the health Insurance Portability and Accountabilit Act of 1996 HIPAA related to the use of communication software and methodologies is also vital to optimize multiple documentation information pieces and reports.

Moreover, furthermore, to collaborate and communicate well with such patients, call alarm systems with notifications can also be used to optimize results. Another vital interventionist the use of telehealth tools for better management of online records to make them more accessible for nurses. This will allow the handling of distributed data for medical devices more manageable and nurses can easily integrate these tools in their current infrastructures. This will enhance the safe and secure remote collaboration between professionals as well as between the nurses and their patients (Krist et al., 2020). This will also help the patients to reduce and better self-manage their blood pressure levels.

Doctors communication

State Board Nursing Practice Standards and/or Organizational or Governmental Policies

State board nurses’ practice and standards are important tools for professionals nowadays which help professionals and nursing leaders to improve their care management outcomes. In 2017, the American Heart Association advised that the hypertension measurement number should be decreased to 130/80 mm Hg (Fisher, 2018).This means that government organizations are doing a good job in promoting new standards and setting new criteria for helping nurses manage chronic hypertension patients in hospital settings. These nurses and their patients will surely benefit from several state board supporting programs.

The government is also advising healthcare organizations and leaders to focus on improving their infrastructure and healthcare systems for hypertension treatments using innovative technologies. The effective legislations are focused on promoting the patient-centered approaches and processes such as the AHA’s guidelines or the best practices for self-management of hypertension. This means that nurses can use AHA’s guidelines to take the correct measurements of blood pressure and enhance their performance. Following these policy and regulatory guidelines is vital for nurses to achieve growth. This will also have positive implications on the reduction of healthcare costs for the healthcare organizations.

Moro veer, the Government decision makers and cabinet ministers also face challenges related to nursing ethics improvement. Nurses should realize that following state board standards can improve revenues streams of their organizations.

Doctors communication

How Proposed Intervention Will Enhance Quality of Care Quality of Care and Patient Safety

 How monitoring and recording blood pressure can reduce the cost of the hospital and improve patient care outcomes is a vital challenge. However, the good news is that using telehealth tools proposed above and discussed will help the patient to improve his self-management of hypertention and allow nurses to monitor blood pressure remotely. The technologies will help nurses to keep an eye on critical patients of hypertention, hence, evaluating their conditions without getting tired or feeling burnout (Doremus, 2019). Moreover, helping patients to rest comfortably on beds and pillows can improve their muscular tension and reduce stress.

Giving medications to hypertension patients accurately using the EHR records will allow nurses to improve the quality of work and raise chances of better management and treatment of this menacing psychological disease. Since the patients of hypertension are not often insured and they are poor, helping them get insurance can significantly reduce healthcare expenses and reduce re-admissions cost (Chatterjee, 2020). Moreover, the surgery price of heart attack and stroke drugs also reduce if patients recover soon. Patients can purchase health insurance with $500 and these costs can be greater for households.

How Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources can Address Hypertension

Physicians and researchers have been focused on using hypertension management strategies though patient empowerment. The adoption of the latest ICT for measuring and reporting high blood pressure is promoting the concept of remote BP checking for nurses. This technology shows a global high acceptance rate of patients to reduce their hypertension. A new perspective of telephone utilization is also beneficial with diffusion of smartphones and tablets that has revolutionized the hypertension treatment through telemonitoring of blood pressure data. These alternatives are cheap and effective that aim to address the patient problem in the hospital. Moreover, care coordination for hypertention is important that helps patients to maintain healthy eating behaviors, being physically active, and manage and cope with chronic stress with positivity. Care coordination links patients of hypertension with vital community resources and help social services to respond to their needs. For example, it helps to track and support hypertension patients when they get any services outside nursing homes. Nurses can use community resources to prevent cardiovascular problems, heart attack, eye damage, and stroke in patients (Belo-Delariarte, 2018). Therefore, community resources used can help nurse to enhance their patient care outcomes and professional practices using telehealth. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC offers a “Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention” along with educational programs to help healthcare leaders improve patient care outcomes. This shows that using technology, care coordination, and community resources can help patients to deal with chronic stress.


Self-management of hypertension is possible by following the policy guidelines and legislations to improve the efficacy of health care interventions. Using telehealth tools and smartphone technologies can help nurses to reduce patient admissions and blood pressure. The CDC advises nurses to plan educational programs for using community resources and use remote technologies for hypertension interventions. The proposed interventions can positively impact the patient problem and also reduce hospitals costs.


Belo-Delariarte, R. G., Oducado, R. M. F., & Penuela, A. C. (2018). Terminal assessment of core nursing knowledge in a state university. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research6(2, Part II), 10-17.

Burnier, M., & Egan, B. M. (2019). Adherence in hypertension: a review of prevalence, risk factors, impact, and management. Circulation research124(7), 1124-1140.

Chatterjee, A., Gerdes, M. W., & Martinez, S. G. (2020). Identification of risk factors associated with obesity and overweight—a machine learning overview. Sensors20(9), 2734.

Doremus, W. A. (2019). Development of a Measure of State Infrastructure for School Nursing Services Delivery.

 Fisher, N. D., & Curfman, G. (2018). Hypertension—a public health challenge of global proportions. Jama320(17), 1757-1759.

Krist, A. H., Davidson, K. W., Mangione, C. M., Barry, M. J., Cabana, M., Caughey, A. B., … & US Preventive Services Task Force. (2020). Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention in adults with cardiovascular risk factors: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. JAMA324(20), 2069-2075.

Rabi, D. M., McBrien, K. A., Sapir-Pichhadze, R., Nakhla, M., Ahmed, S. B., Dumanski, S. M., … & Daskalopoulou, S. S. (2020). Hypertension Canada’s 2020 comprehensive guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, risk assessment, and treatment of hypertension in adults and children. Canadian Journal of Cardiology36(5), 596-624.

Rippe, J. M. (2019). Lifestyle strategies for risk factor reduction, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular disease. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine13(2), 204-212.

Wu, J., Li, T., Song, X., Sun, W., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., … & Liu, B. (2018). Prevalence and distribution of hypertension and related risk factors in Jilin Province, China 2015: a cross-sectional study. BMJ open8(3), e020126.