NURS FPX4030 Assessment 1 Locating Credible Databases and Research

Assessment 1: Locating Credible Databases and Research

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NURS-FPX4030: Making Evidence-Based Dec
Capella University
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Locating Credible Databases and Research

EBP is significant because it strives to deliver the highest effective and appropriate care in order to enhance health experiences. EBP additionally involves ensuring that limited healthcare resources are used effectively and that available facts are evaluated when budgetary choices for health care services are established. The combination of best evidence available, clinical decision making, and patient needs and interests in patient and client care, quality management, including healthcare policy decision-making constitutes evidence-based treatment. Each of the three components are extremely essential. In the provided scenario, a newly hired nurse is tasked with doing EBP research for an acute type 2 diabetes patient in order to identify novel strategies and treatments that will improve the quality of care and treatment (Rigby et al., 2019)

Communication and Collaboration strategies

Medical Case Study

Communication and collaborative qualities, according to healthcare quality professionals, are essential to providing excellent public health care. Health care organizations may enhance health outcomes, avoid clinical errors, maximize productivity, and raise positive patient outcomes when all research and clinical employees work together efficiently. Collaboration and cooperation skills, according to public health professionals, are crucial for generating quality health care. Health care teams may enhance patient outcomes, avoid medical mistakes, boost efficiency, and raise patient satisfaction when all clinical and nonclinical employees work together efficiently. Structured techniques are especially critical throughout coordinating care, when communication problems are more likely. This could result in poor health outcomes, patient suffering, or insufficient patient care. The teach-back method, for example, enables nurses to inquire individuals if they understand the information they have received. The patient is asked to repeat the information back to them in their own terms. This identifies any shortcomings in comprehension and motivates the patients. 

Diabetes patients seek helpful health providers with whom they can share any element of life with and treating the disease. An open, compassionate style of communication is essential for allowing diabetics to discuss their mental wellbeing. Mentorship is such approach. The value of mentoring in health care education is well acknowledged. It provides a way to improve staff productivity and involvement, create opportunities to learn, and foster interdisciplinary cooperation. Furthermore, listening skills and honest, empathetic interaction increase discussion efficiency and are crucial for excellent therapeutic management. Healthcare practitioners can help persons with diabetes build or increase their competence and experience for successful care in this way (Rigby et al., 2019).

Medical Case Study

The Best Places to Complete the Research

Books are an excellent source of information. Most academic books are well-researched, and nurses may get an in-depth description of a subject all in one spot. Books that address various elements of a matter from numerous viewpoints and angles are frequently available to nurses. Furthermore, the citations and references might assist in locating specialized study on the issue. Nursing experts frequently depend on publications from scholarly works rather than popular periodicals while carrying out research. These are also known as academic or peer-reviewed publications. Academic materials are published by researchers in a specific topic for other researchers in that area of study (Rigby et al., 2019). 

Before they are published, these publications go through a “peer-review” procedure in which other scholars evaluate and assess the publications for qualitative research. Academic sites, in the most part, may be trusted as legitimate and dependable sources for your study. Website may also be a helpful source of information. There are also several places where issues that are not addressed in regular scholarly articles. The RADAR Analysis is a framework intended to facilitate researchers in remembering the parameters that used examine the effectiveness, reliability, and significance of any collection of knowledge. The RADAR Framework helps recall which sorts of questions to inquire for an online resource while evaluating its reliability and relevance in the study (Mandalios, 2018). 

Nurses, on the other hand, must make certain that they seek for vast resources in the correct locations. Professional Nurses in research will have the most EBP-oriented research profile in healthcare environments and preclinical studies. It is also advised that nurses conduct extensive study using the clinic or university libraries, health policy manuals, and hospital recommendations. In the given scenario, nurse can use the computers available to staff nurses to search for scholarly resources (Mandalios, 2018).

Identification of Five Sources for Evidence of Clinical Diagnosis

While looking for acute type 2 diabetes, the new nurse found these five sources for evidence of clinical diagnosis. Theses resources are written in respective of their ranking of credibility according to RADAR test. The sources are as follows:

  1. “Diabetes Care” is the most credible journal for diabetes related research and diagnosis. It is a journal by American Diabetes Association (ADA). It is a peer reviewed journal (Diabetes Care | American Diabetes Association, 2021).
  2. “Diabetes Spectrum” is the second source for the diagnosis and research of diabetes. This journal is also published by American Diabetes Association (ADA). It is also a peer reviewed journal (Home | Diabetes Spectrum, 2021).
  3. “BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care” is another source for diabetes research and diagnosis interventions search. This journal is published by British Medical Journal (BMJ) in partnership with American Diabetes Association (ADA). It is a peer reviewed journal (BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, 2021). 
  4. “American Diabetes Association (ADA)” website is another source of information for nurses on diabetes diagnosis and research. This website is credible due to its high score on RADAR test as well as it is a website for a credible national organization (American Diabetes Association | Research, Education, Advocacy, 2021).
  5. “Centre for Disease Control (CDC)’s Division of Diabetes Translation” Website is also a good source of research. Its credibility is due to its nature i.e., government website.
Doctors communication

Explanation of Why the Sources Provide the Best Evidence

These sources are credible and provide best evidence for research as these sources are having a high score on RADAR as well as CRAAP test. Moreover, the sources are mostly peer reviewed journals. For example, Diabetes Care, BMJ Open Diabetes Care and Research and Diabetes Spectrum all are peer reviewed journals and have a high RADAR Score. Other two sources are websites but they are credible as they are either government websites (CDC) or of a well reputed organisation like American Diabetes Association (Mandalios, 2018).


It is critical to incorporate reputable resources in a scholarly research study since the viewer expects statements to be supported by convincing evidence. Using proof that would not originate from a reliable source will not persuade the reader that the argument is believable, much alone right. Through the assessment of individuals’ experience, credibility helps the others acknowledge the perspectives included within the research. A scholar must evaluate each text to establish trustworthiness, looking for commonalities between and across all subjects.


American Diabetes Association | Research, Education, Advocacy. (2021).

BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. (2021, December 14). BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care.

Diabetes Care | American Diabetes Association. (2021).

Division of Diabetes Translation. (2021).

Home | Diabetes Spectrum. (2021).

Mandalios J. RADAR: An approach for helping students evaluate Internet sources. Journal of Information Science. 2013;39(4):470-478. http://doi:10.1177/0165551513478889

Rigby, M., Deshpande, S., & Blair, M. (2019). Credibility in published data sources. The Lancet393(10168), 225-226.